The strange and good thing about hiring people to build your home is that it’s always moving forward. Workers like completing their jobs and getting paid, so they don’t sit around after a task is accomplished and pat themselves on the back and take it easy for a few weeks…or months. Not that we ever did that sort of thing with the back addition.
As soon as the main floor Durisol was poured, they were back at it placing trusses and the subfloor for the second floor. Subfloor…now that was a whole can of worms. The long and short of much pontification by the engineer is that we’re using AdvanTech subfloor. If mere mortals could only see what thought process goes into a seemingly easy decision like subfloor. Wowza.
Crazy to take the wall down and walk from the top deck to the top floor!
The view from our future bedroom windows.
Looking down into the study.
Moving counter-clockwise around the main floor. Here’s the kitchen.
Dining room.
The big dining room windows.
Front corner windows.
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